1776 Runs Into 1984 As America Crumbles Like Rome in 475 AD

1776 Runs Into 1984 As America Crumbles Like Rome in 475 AD by Randolph Jason for Gospel News Network

The image above says “Conspiracy”. It does not say “theory”. We are not discussing theories but we are discussing conspiracies. Conspiracy, as defined by Merriam-Websterthe act of conspiring together or an agreement among conspirators or a group of conspirators. As you will read and hear the definition fits perfectly with the material presented.

Below is a series of videos that individually will blow your mind, collectively they should anger you to the core.

Our country is being overrun from within. The criminal element should be visible to anyone with eyes to see. Only those that are willfully ignorant, or are directly benefiting from what’s happening, can not see what is so clear for others to see.

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This first video sets the tone for the path the videos to follow are headed. If you’re newly awakened, please watch this twice.

These next two are from the same lecture that included Tucker Carlson and Robert Kennedy, Jr.

If you’re still thinking all this just a bunch of people discussing what could be or nothing more than “theories”, well, how about an insider on hidden camera after having a couple of drinks. Yep, we got that also.

Here’s what President Trump thinks about the work above that Steven Crowder produced.

As you can see, I pray you can see, what is happening is all by design, not some organic situation of evolutionary happenstance. It has been in the works for a very, very long time. We are approaching the end of the life cycle. I pray, in the name of Jesus Christ, blessings over you and your family that you would be protected from the evil one under the Wing of the Father. It’s time to get close to Jesus Christ and turn to, or turn back to, God. Don’t delay, you won’t regret it.

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